..............and pike he caught lots of specimen fish of
other species and made many true and lasting friends over the years including
a lot of very well known personalities. It is a great tribute to him that so many of
these friends have penned a contribution to this book - almost a who’s who of
He was a very keen angler who started fishing whilst still at school and it was
not long before he became a serious carp angler who fished many of the well
known waters in Kent and further afield including Redmire in the 1980’s.
Although a very successful and well known angler the book is more about Steve
as a friend of those that have written in the book, incidents in his life that they
were invoved with that were at times hilarious. Steve loved a joke and a wind-up
often at others expense although at times he was on the receiving end. Many of the
waters mentioned in the book are somewhat sadder without the incomparable
Steve Edwards on the bank.
All proceeds from the sale of this book are to be donated to
Macmillan Cancer Support.
We will be having a Launch/Signing day on the 24th March 2012 at the Land's End Pub, Twyford, Reading RG10 0UE. www.thelandsend.co.uk Many of the contributors will be there on the day to sign your copies and I hope to see you all there.
There have been various rumours circulating about the “signature procedure” at the forthcoming launch of “It’s a Long Old Road” As publisher I wish to confirm that however many copies purchased of “It’s a Long Old Road” they will be signed by the contributors “free of charge”. (Donations will be gratefully received on the day for any customers wishing to purchase multiple copies!)
To avoid queues and waiting time please do not ask the contributors to sign other books at the same until at least 2.30pm or later as announced by me. After this time if you wish to have any other titles signed by any of the contributors there will be a charge of £1 per signature. (This will go to the MacMillan Cancer Trust)
If you have any questions or queries regarding the above then please contact me on 05601 972040 or via info@fishingbooksender.co.uk
There will be 750 hand numbered limited edition hardbacks.
There will be 50 very high quality leather bound editions - All leathers have sold out!
Hardbacks are £29.99 plus £5 P&P Leathers are £200 plus £10 P&P
The name Steve Edwards will be familiar to many of you, particularly the “old
school” carpers among you.
Steve sadly lost his fight with cancer last year and many of his friends and
fishing companions have joined together to write this book in his memory.
And if you haven’t heard of Steve himself, you’ll certainly recognise his friends!
The likes of Fred Wilton, Bob Morris, Pete Springate and Derek Stritton have all
penned their memories of the man they called Boza (due to his resemblance to a
Ugandan boxer with no neck!)

Part of the specimen hunting scene since the early sixties, Steve was out there
catching massive fish before most of us were born. Carp were his first love and he
was the proud captor of thousands of twenty pounders and numerous thirties, topped
by a prestigious forty pound English carp. Steve had a particular fondness for the lake
at Sutton at Hone, fishing it for many years, and included here is an article he wrote on
the lake for Carpworld.
Like many of that era though Steve was a gifted all round angler and also had great
success with other species such as pike, barbel, chub and perch. Jim Gibbinson even
describes how he first met Steve on an eel fishing expedition to Loch Ness while Steve’s
son tells how his dad and friends were thrown off Roger Daltrey’s famous trout lake for
feeding the fish with trout pellets.
What shines through all the stories is Steve’s love of life and fishing, his great company
and his great sense of humour. He will be sorely missed by all who knew and fished with him.
Forward by John Carver, Compiled by Craig Lyons, Edited and designed by Mike Starkey
There are many contributors to this amazing book including :-
Nick Buss, Bob Baker, Chris Ball, Chris Brown, John Carver, Terry Davy, John Elmer,
Peter Garvin, Jim Gibbinson, Jerry Hammond, Chris Haswell, Kenny Hodder, Joe Jarman,
Derek Linstead, Craig Lyons, Robin Monday, Bob Morris, Paul Owen, Trevor Quinlan,
Pete Springate, Derek Stritton, Wilf Stockford, Tony Tappenden, Andy (Nobby) Wickens
and Fred Wilton.
(Who can you spot from the above list below?)

Extract from Terry Davy's contribution
We looked very similar, a bit like brothers. I denied the resemblance unless I’d done
something bad and could blame him (another book!). Several times he gave me his
permit with photo – all looked the same in cap and Barbour.
I remember one night he did his impersonation of Mick Jagger dancing backwards to
‘Honky Tonk Woman’ at a party of an ex-girlfriend of his, boogied into the DJ’s desk,
tripped, tangled in the speaker leads bringing them down on top of them.
As a final touch he asked if he could play it again! Unprintable reply! As the music had
stopped Steve apologised to the host and we departed to the kitchen finishing the last of
her excellent curry. More wine.
He broke two bottles of the infamous Mateus Rosé trying out the new popette opener.
No You-Tube then, only fish into net. I feel he is on my shoulder now, guiding my pencil,
laughing weird, but nice. Both poets of our time while remembering the past, scribes
scratching on the vellum of life an image or blueprint recording to last and tell the story
of how it was.